Assisted Living
August 10th will be a fun filled day as we will be heading to the Ute Indian Museum in Montrose. The museum is located on the original homestead site of Chief Ouray, who was the leader of the Ute people, and his wife, Chipeta.
A body in motion stays in motion and that is one of the many reasons we provide opportunity for exercise. Along with morning exercise classes, we also have afternoon walks 7 days a week. This will continue for the month of August.
One of our favorite performers, Paul Chamberlain, will be the headliner for our next outdoor concert on the morning of August 26th.
Every Thursday morning there is Communion for those who partake in that practice with the Catholic church.
Every Sunday morning there is a nondenominational church service for anyone who would like to attend.
Memory Care
August 6th we will be going out for ice cream followed by a scenic drive. The cold treat and air-conditioned bus will be a fun adventure on a hot day.
There are quite a few activities that happen on a weekly basis and baking is one of those activities. We make anything from bread to cookies, although the baking of sweets is preferred.
Towards the end of the month, on August 20th we will pack our lunch and sunscreen and head to a local park for a picnic.
Today in History is a group discussion on the events that took place on that particular day, but in the past. This engaging group meets every morning.