Many seniors desire to hold on to the feeling of youthful euphoria that they have experienced in their early life. But this can be difficult due to the physical and mental exhaustion that typically comes along with aging. No matter what life may bring to you, with a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and the right resources, it is possible to bring excitement and youthfulness back.
You know the saying “you are what you eat”? Well, if that’s the case, then consuming nutritious meals full of vitamins and proteins will supply your body with energy and strength. At Crossroads, you will experience home-style cooking with fresh choices prepared daily by our wonderful kitchen team. Eating foods that consist of all the nutrients your body needs will help you feel your best and enable you to live your best in retirement.
One of the easiest ways of feeling young is by socializing with people around you. Interacting and building relationships strengthens your mental health and allows you to feel youthfully exuberant. At Crossroads, we offer various activities everyday so that you can engage with residents and staff while participating in activities that you enjoy! You can find all the planned events and activities on our monthly activity calendar, which is provided to all residents. Gloria even provides a weekly enlarged calendar.
The benefits of physical activity are endless. Modifying a physical activity or exercise routine keeps the body and mind refreshed, and it can help prevent several diseases. You can get your blood pumping at Crossroads at our daily exercise classes. Ask Roger, our Resident Council President, how many laps around the interior and exterior total a mile. You might be surprised!
Stimulating your mind is one of the most exciting parts of youthful living. The feeling you get when you learn or discover something new is extraordinary. You can continue to learn with resources found at Crossroads library. Diving into an educational book offers a getaway into the excitement of learning new things. Some say age is just a number. As long as seniors engage in all the wonderful parts of life, they will continue to feel young at heart!
Crossroads offers endless possibilities for living young in senior living.
Michele Strauch
Executive Director