Bill is one of the newest residents to join our Crossroads family. He enjoys writing, usually about political topics, but also does some poetry. In preparation for the move to Crossroads he went without writing for a couple weeks. After his computer was all set up in his new home, he sat down and the words started flowing. “I surprised myself how easily I was able to write this,” says Codd. He enjoys sharing his writing with others and he hopes all the readers will relish his poem.
Your first impression says somebody cares
for those not so bold,
As you enter this bright and shining new
home for the lonely old.
Willy’s new world has taken comfort and
happiness on another leap,
Surrounded by new friends with sincere
smiles piled so very deep.
After talking to her walls and pictures for
several lonely years,
I feel blessed to have found this unusual
haven to dry up the tears.
Losing Life’s Partner leaves a void too deep
to know where to start,
A new life must be provided by special
places with more than heart.
Too many old folks end up in storage
because they wait too long,
This place offers a new life for those who
are moderately strong.
You have the choice to do it yourself or be
helped by a friend indeed,
Doing what you can fills the days much
better than waiting in need.
Already I feel this choice is another gift
from God as my life lives on,
Another of those unseen gifts that has
driven my charmed life so long.
Three of us from Otter Pond are neighbors
again for our final days,
So, wish us well as we enjoy this new
neighborhood in so many ways.