Embracing change. It is said change is inevitable and we must embrace it. Covid has brought us many changes. Some changes we were forced to embrace and others we welcomed. Change is what keeps our lives from being simply that of existing.
During the last year and a half this pandemic has taught me a few things, but most of all, it has shown me the resilience we all have within. I have witnessed family members yearning to hold loved ones. Their frustration, and at times anger, when they were stopped from sharing a most basic need, human touch. Yes, that was hard to witness. However, every hard experience comes with a lesson or a reward in the end.
Despite the difficulties we all faced by distancing ourselves from our loved ones, the love, happiness, and pure joy of the first hug was beyond an amazing experience. Opening our doors and witnessing those very first hugs and tears of joy is something I will cherish and never forget.
Thank you for sharing! Covid did change our day to day lives but for me I have been reminded that change is sometimes necessary, sometimes needed, always enviable and often beautiful in the end. Yes, Covid has changed our world and touched each of us differently, but I choose to focus on the positive change it continues to bring. Lasting memories, many smiles, some tears of joy and some of pain, new relationships, stronger bonds, and mostly a greater appreciation for the simple thing—love for one another.
Thank you for changing with us.
Michele Strauch
Executive Director, Northglenn